
Showing posts from September, 2017

Violence... Is it alright?

        According to Gerard Jones, violent media can actually have positive effects on young people because it helps children overcome fears, develop strong social skills, and use their natural feelings of aggression and violence to stimulate self-confidence. Jones also believes that violent media are a positive influence on children because it can provide children the ability to create a “fantasy self” (para. 4) that equips them with tools to deal with life’s challenges, therefore not fearing the emotion of rage, but channeling it into positive energy. Jones makes some good points. For example, he says that Marvel Comics, and the character Hulk, freed him from “stifled rage and a buried desire for power” (para. 4), allowing him to make new friends, and eventually become brave enough to believe that other people would want to read what he had to say. However, others believe that violent media directed at young people lead to real-world violent acts. All in all, Jones presents a stro

What Arguing Means To Me

Blog Post 2 Mostly what I have learned about arguments is the technical jargon associated with it, such as the pathos, ethos, etc. In the 29 years I have been alive I feel like I have a pretty broad understanding of what an argument is.  People can pick out technical aspects of what an argument is all day but when it comes down to it an argument is almost primal instinct in a way, it comes from the core of our being. When we hear someone doesn't believe what we believe, or doesn't agree with what we agree with its in our DNA to challenge that person, a lot of times even physically.  I feel I had a pretty good understanding of what an argument was coming in to this class, and now we will dive deep into what forms an argument, what makes an argument valid, and how to present your argument in a healthy way.  But this is just my opinion, if you don't like it... TOUGH.