Social media killed the radio star..

Blog post 1

The birth of social media over the last 20 years or so has shaped the world in un-imaginable ways. From keeping tabs on your friends and family, to downloading and listening to music for free, most of us have something we "need" to check everyday such as FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, the list goes on and on and on and.... well you get the point. 

While we all think social media is this no strings attached place we can post all our opinions and views, it is a double edged sword. Say you visited Las Vegas and partied until the sun came up, i'm sure your friends would love to see your pictures but so would future employers... Think about that. You apply for a job 3 years after you enjoyed your time in Vegas and your would-be boss is seeing all your drunken pics and videos of you letting it all hang out on Instagram. 

Just understand that social media is awesome but deserves respect.


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